Meet Mrs. Havemeier, Fruit Bearing Tree

Her arms are so full of leaves and baby tangerines!
Look delicious? Think again.
The fruit will not be be ready for a couple months yet.
Recently, I asked Mrs. Havemeier, who insisted I call her Elsa, if she would object to me picking and consuming the tangerines once they were mature. Our conversation follows:
Elsa: Nein!
Me: Oh. So you speak German.
Elsa: Ja. Ich spreche mehrere Sprachen.
Me: You are a fancy tree. You don't happen to speak English...
Elsa: Ziemlich!
Me: Which means...what exactly?
Elsa: I will speak with you English.
Me: Okay, great. So then you don't object if I eat your tangerines in March?
Elsa: No, no. I grow them for animals to eat. You are animal, no?
Me: Yeah, I am. I'm not like, (making claw hands) Grraouw! (laughing) I'm not a Wild Beastie! (more claws) Rrrearw!
Elsa: You think you're funny?
Me: Me? Yeah, no. No.
Elsa: Mm-hmm.
Me: I hear that sometimes, during scientific experimentation, I've read this somewhere but I don't remember where, that when scientists play music for plants they grow really well and I was thinking that if I played music or sang to you or something like that, that you'd be really happy and the tangerines would become the most nectareous you have produced to date.
Elsa: You want to sing to me?
Me: Sure--if it will make you happy.
Elsa: There are names for people who sing to trees. If you sing to me, people will talk.
Me: Yes, but we will have the last laugh when the fruit of our labors is the SWEETEST EVER!
To be continued...
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