Friday, January 20, 2006

Meet Mrs. Havemeier, Fruit Bearing Tree

Her arms are so full of leaves and baby tangerines!
Look delicious? Think again.
The fruit will not be be ready for a couple months yet.

Recently, I asked Mrs. Havemeier, who insisted I call her Elsa, if she would object to me picking and consuming the tangerines once they were mature. Our conversation follows:

Elsa: Nein!

Me: Oh. So you speak German.

Elsa: Ja. Ich spreche mehrere Sprachen.

Me: You are a fancy tree. You don't happen to speak English...

Elsa: Ziemlich!

Me: Which means...what exactly?

Elsa: I will speak with you English.

Me: Okay, great. So then you don't object if I eat your tangerines in March?

Elsa: No, no. I grow them for animals to eat. You are animal, no?

Me: Yeah, I am. I'm not like, (making claw hands) Grraouw! (laughing) I'm not a Wild Beastie! (more claws) Rrrearw!

Elsa: You think you're funny?

Me: Me? Yeah, no. No.

Elsa: Mm-hmm.

Me: I hear that sometimes, during scientific experimentation, I've read this somewhere but I don't remember where, that when scientists play music for plants they grow really well and I was thinking that if I played music or sang to you or something like that, that you'd be really happy and the tangerines would become the most nectareous you have produced to date.

Elsa: You want to sing to me?

Me: Sure--if it will make you happy.

Elsa: There are names for people who sing to trees. If you sing to me, people will talk.

Me: Yes, but we will have the last laugh when the fruit of our labors is the SWEETEST EVER!

To be continued...


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